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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Urban Retreat

Okay, apparently I need lessons in what the word "tomorrow" means.  Sorry.  Life intervened and I never got time to upload my pictures.

But, here they are.

Here is my bed. 

This is Gus.  My host, Dave, told me that he was there to keep me company because I would probably be missing my little ones.  I am not sure if Dave says this for every visitor and he just adapted his speech for me - but even if he says this to everyone, I gotta admit that I thought it was really sweet and I did miss my kids!

Here is the super cool, super big, dual headed shower that I did NOT use....but it sure is pretty, isn't it?

Here is why I didn't use the super cool, super big, dual headed shower.....

Because there was a super cool, super big, tub!  It even has, on the far side, a hand held shower gizmo thing, so I could wash my hair from the comfort of the tub. 

This is what I used in the tub.  I brought this from home.  When we moved to Georgia, my best friend who lives in Iowa and is far too generous - sent me a whole box full of these bath bombs.  They are huge.  They smell wonderful.  They are awesome!  They can be found at The one I used was Orange Creamsicle.....nummy.

But, even though I spent a LOT of time relaxing in this tub and adding more hot water, as necessary, this is where I spent most of my time.....

The leather wing backed chair to the left, near the window.  I read and read and read some more.  Notice the flat screen T.V. mounted to the wall? 

Didn't touch all.  The kids are still in shock!

It was peaceful and quiet and I could  really lose myself in a book the way I used to be able to before all the little pitter-pattering of feet entered my world.  I wish I could tell you that I read some deep, smarty-pants type of books, but I didn't.  I read a light, kind of snarky, romance-y type by Jennifer Cruisie and then a feel good, small town full of nice folk, Christmas-time one by Debbie MacComber.  Heavenly.

I brought this along for my bedtime snack...

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm... stayed up way later than I had intended to....because I could, enjoyed a good night's sleep.  I did wake up a few times, I assume since I am used to getting up a few times each night with baby, but was able to just roll over and go back to sleep!   Aaahhhhh, wonderful.

My host had me just write on a little chalkboard what time I would like coffee and breakfast.  I was awakened to him calling me from outside my door at the time I had requested coffee telling me he was putting it on the chair outside my door for me to enjoy in my room.  Again, I am not sure, but I don't think delivering coffee to people's rooms is the norm at this B&B.  It was great.  I thanked him for it when I went down to breakfast and Dave said, "I was just thinking about you last night and thought that it had probably been a very long time since somebody brought you coffee in bed." 

He was right.  Try never.  Yes, Karen, never. 

Rainman despises coffee and can't believe I drink the stuff.  He doesn't even like to kiss me if I have just had a cup!  I have to admit when I first started drinking it, it wasn't for the taste, but for the warmth at a very cold office - and then from the caffeine-related necessity of it for rearing small children - but, now, I drink it for the taste.... in addition to caffeine!!! So, anyway, Rainman has not ever brought me coffee in bed.  Appreciate what you have sis!

Anyway, I enjoyed my coffee and went down to breakfast.  I dined with another guest from Great Britain who was on a "grand holiday tour".  She was alone and had quit her job, planned to travel for 3 months throughout North America and finish up in Australia for Christmas before going back home to find a new job.  She was going to meet friends in different spots in her trip, but most of it was to be done alone.  Part of me admires her for the courage to do that, part of me is a little scared for her and part of me feels a little sad that she has no one to share all the memories with.  We had a wonderful chat about England, the States, British T.V. shows versus American Shows, pros and cons of our respective healthcare systems, vacation spots we had both been, homeschooling, the economy, a brief explanation of how the House of Commons and the House of Lords work, a brief and sketchy explanation of the Tea Party, the Republic Party and the Democratic name just a few of our topics.  While we talked I had fresh pineapple and strawberries, coffee cake, eggs benedict and fresh squeezed orange juice and more coffee.  It was a wonderful breakfast.

All in all, I had a great time and came home shaved, moisturized, tweezed and relaxed.

If you are ever in the Atlanta Area and would like an "urban retreat" I highly recommend this place.  

Oh, and I think I am supposed to end by saying that neither the Coastal Body Shop people or the Laurel Hill Bed and Breakfast people know me or are paying me anything to talk about their products.  Well, I guess technically, Dave at Laurel Hill sort of "knows" me....but you know what I mean. 


Kandi said...

Ooooh. It looks heavenly! What a sweet man to think of you and bring you coffee! Ummm, I've never had ANYTHING brought to me in bed. (Re-reading that sentence it sounds a little weird, but you know what I mean!) ;)

I enjoy Jennifer Crusie books, too. The humor is great.

Glad you had a relaxing night. How is it getting back to REALITY?!?!

Jill said...

Looks like a beautiful get away. I'm so glad you were able to relax and enjoy yourself. In all you do, I know it's so hard to take care of you but you must. The tub looks divine!

RKO Ideas Galore (by Karen) said...

Hmmm -- R has been slacking off a little bit lately! It looks fun...I think this should be your new anniversary tradition! :-)

Alex said...

What a perfect get-away. And hubby gets huge points for thinking of this!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds absolutely LOVELY! I am so jealous.