I told her that I couldn't even explain it, but that I felt at home as soon as we moved in....even when they were boxes and mess everything.
She responded with the fact that she had seen one of my blog posts where I was showing off some of the rooms and she thought that she had seen a glimpse of trees through the windows in the picture, and knew that would make me happy.
She was so right. I love trees. Trees make me happy.
Ask Rainman about my feelings about trees and he will tell you the one time he decided to cut one down in Minnesota without telling me. I looked out the window and it was already half gone. I didn't even recognize myself....I came barreling out of the house...screaming like a crazy woman...trying to be heard over the chain saw. I was too late. I was mad....for a long time.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a "tree hugger" kind of tree lover.
Trees just make me happy.
They relax me.
They give me a sense of being alone....yet, not alone in the world.
I grew up in Minnesota where most of our property was woods.
I would go lay under the pine trees and read.
I would go climb onto a low branch of another and read.
I would sit on a downed trunk and read.
(I like to read, too.

One of the first times we even looked at this house, we beat the realtor here and waited for her on the front porch. Right here...
I sat down on the swing. The springs creaked a bit, I heard the wind rustling through the leaves and I looked out at this....
and this.....
....I thought to myself.....I could live here. It was just so peaceful. Nobody drove by (there are only 5 houses on my street). It was just wonderful.
Then I went inside and saw this view from the big picture window in the kitchen....
and this too...
Yup....I could live here.
I could see past the dark walls and wallpaper borders. I could see past the shiny kitchen cabinets with not much counter space.....because I knew I could live here and be happy.
We get to see deer and wildlife again....right there....in our front yard....or across the street as I back out of the driveway.
I cannot fully explain it, but I feel at peace here. I feel like we are supposed to be here.
My friend, Sue, in Minnesota knows we well (she should since we have been friends since the 4th grade). She knew by seeing a glimpse of trees in my backyard that I would be a happy girl....and I am.
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