We had a little trouble scheduling birthday celebrations this year. Rainman has switched to a new schedule. He really likes it because he can easily get plenty of sleep and never has to deal with traffic. The kids and I don't love it as much as he does.....because he isn't around. He alternates between working 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
So, because of his weird schedule, S-girl opened her presents the night before her actual birthday, and we spread the rest of her celebration (birthday lunch out with mom, cake, etc.) for the next few days. This same scenario will repeat itself for A-girl and L-girl's birthdays too!
V-girl did her usual "shop off the floor of our house" gift that she wrapped up special (in a big, black garbage bag) for big sis!
A-man is actually a very thoughtful gift giver. He gave her a fake cell phone and a painting kit. At first glance, you wouldn't think my little pink and purple, sparkle loving girl wouldn't be excited about an Avengers paint kit.....but you would be wrong! She loves super heroes. Maybe not quite as much as A-man....but they are always creating costumes for "She Hulk" and girly Captain America. So, it was a really, really good gift.
L-girl and A-girl went together on their gifts for S-girl this year. They pooled their money and got her 7 little gifts....the biggest was this miniature real sewing machine. She loves it. One of these days I will show you pictures of our craft/sewing room. (I cannot believe I actually have one!)
We have been waiting for Frozen to come out on DVD since movies at the theater are a little too spendy for us. As you can tell, she was surprised that I actually got it for her. (She had to wait another 3 days until we were all around at the same time to watch it though....poor thing). The best part of this picture is L-girl's reaction to S-girl's excitement over the gift!
The other big gift was a "new to us" big girl bike for her. She has only fallen and skinned up her knees about 4 times since her birthday!
She had requested a Frozen cake. I did my best with this seven fingered Olaf cake. As usual, I had a different/better idea in my head of what it would look like when it was finished....and, as usual, she didn't care what I thought. She LOVED it.
Happy birthday, my sweet, sweet S-girl!
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